

FOUND.- Part of a gold sleeve but ton. Apply to Leavitt and Pierce.

NINETY.- Class meeting Monday, October 7, at 7.30 in Upper Mass

We change Collins and Fairbanks' advertisement in today's CRIMSON.

Ninety-two Class Meeting Thursday evening at 7.30 in Upper Massachusetts.

Dr. Sargent will be ready to examine the football team today (Thursday) beginning at 2 p. m.


L. H. BETTS.The first meeting of the Signet this year will be held Friday evening, Oct. 4, at 8 o'clock.

There will be a meeting of Harvard Fencing Club in the rooms this evening at 7.15.

SAMUEL DEXTER, Sec.'VARSITY CLUB.- Very important meeting tonight (Thursday) at eight o'clock. Election of officers.

R. H. DAVIS, Sec.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club on Friday evening October 4, at 7.30 p. m.

G. BLAGDEN, Sec.SENIOR ELEVEN.- All candidates for '90 eleven must be on the field back of Divinity at 4 o'clock sharp.

T. W. SLOCUM. Capt.FOUND.- On Monday night, a Derby hat, Collins and Fairbanks makers. The owner may have his property by calling on H. T. Coolidge, 739 Cambridge St.

Trial of candidates for the Pierian Sodality Orchestra will be held at Robert's Hall this evening, at 7.30 sharp. Every musician in college is cordially invited to try for the Orchestra. Candidates will please bring instruments and music.

H. F. BROWN, Sec.CRICKET CLUB.- Will all candidates for the cricket eleven be on the ground at Watertown this afternoon at 3 or as soon after as possible, All former members are especially wanted as there is a game with Longwood on Saturday. Cars leave Harvard square at 2.55. 3.25 and 3.35.

R. D. BROWN. Captain.
