The following men will be on Jarvis a four o'clock sharp, dressed: Crosby, Hutchinson, Hill, Curtis, '92, Wrenn, Dibblee, Goldthwaite, House, Upton, Rogers, Goodwin, Cum mings, Stickney, Tilton, Morse, Vail, Newell, Allwood, Cranston, Campbell, Johnson, L. S., Blanchard, Fitzhugh, Trafford.
The following men will be on Jarvis dressed, at 3.30 sharp: Dean, Hallowell, Lee, Moen, W. Curtis, '90, Greenough, Dodge, Fearing, V. M. Harding, L. S., Dennison.
Trafford, Saxe, and Johnson will be on Jarvis at 3 sharp.
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