Marsh '89, is at work as a chemist in Lynn.
The freshman team will play at Andover next Saturday.
The second number of the Lampoon will be out Wednesday.
Harvard will play her first championship game next Saturday at Cambridge with the University of Pennsylvania.
Holden did not leave Cambridge yesterday as expected; he will stay about a week longer.
An arrangement is being made by which Harvard students are to have the use of the Cambridge library.
The catalogue for '89-90 has been arranged and there is no change in the length of the Christmas vacation.
There will be a recitation in Chem. I for division one on Thursday and for division two on Friday.
The following hour examinations will take place this week: Wednesday, October 30, History X and German III; Thursday, Fine Arts VIII; on Friday, History IX.: a d on Wednesday or Friday Histoy III.
J. E. Gardner, '56, is the treasurer of the Phillips Exeter Academy in the place of Charles Burley resigned.
The Atlantic Monthly for October contains an article on "The closing Scenes of the Iliad" by Mr. William C. Lawton.
No prize will be awarded to competitors for the Dante prize in 1888-89. The judges were Dr. P. C. Knapp, Miss Tichnor and Mr. W. R. Thayer.
The hour for dinner at Memorial has been changed to half-past five o'clock. The doors for breakfast will be open at five minutes before eight.
McLane, Yale, '93, died in New York Sunday, another victim of typhoid fever. There is no longer any fear, however, of an epidemic of the fever at Yale.
The ten men of the Lawrence Scientific School who will have the use of the Cambridge Manual school have been chosen. Their names will be published shortly.
Mr. Lawe of the college library, collected many valuable photographs for the art department while in Europe. Some new plaster casts have also been received by the department.
The freshman team beat the Cambridge High and Latin Schools eleven yesterday afternoon by a score of 22-6. The work on both sides was poor and the freshmen were very slow in lining up, getting through, and dropping on the rall. The tackling was something of an improvement over that of Saturday's game at Exeter. Ninety-three made four touchdowns from three of Brice kicked goals.
The following men have been elected members of the English club: J. M. Manley. Gr.; J. B. Fletcher, Gr.; G. Santayana, Gr.; P. Dexter, L. S,; C. A. Hight, L. S.; F. S. Duncan, '90; N. Hapgood, '90; R. C. Harrison, '90; A. McCulloch, jr., '91. The officers for the year are as follows: president, Professor A. S. Hill; vice-president, Assistant Professor Wendell; Sec. and Treas., P. S. Abbot, '90; executive committee, the two last named with G. R. Carpenter, R. W. Herrick, '90, and a '91 man to be chosen.
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