
Harvard '93, 16; Exeter, 10.

Saturday afternoon at Exeter the freshman eleven won a game which was loosely played on both sides. Exeter's game was especially unsteady, while the work of the freshmen at times was execrable. Their tackling could hardly have been poorer, while there was hardly any attempt at blocking off. The rushers were slow in dropping on the ball, but they got through well, and showed considerable snap. The half-backs played a fair rushing game, but their tackling also was high and anything but effective. Johnson as full-back played a fine rushing and kicking game, and he and Kendricken and Ellsworth did about all the work in tackling. Exeter started off with the ball and by good rushing brought it up to Harvard's ten yard line where '93 secured it. Johnson kicked well and the game was soon in the middle of the field. Ritchie gained 15 yards for Exeter, but Stothers was forced to kick the ball and Brice had it down for Harvard. Fairchild, Parker and Johnson forced ahead and Johnson ran around the end and scored a touchdown. Time, 25 minutes. In the attempt for a goal Ellsworth ran across the line and dropped on the leather, scoring another tonchdown. Goal. Score 10-0. Time was called soon after the ball was brought out.

At the kick-off Harvard fouled. A poor pass by Word lost considerable ground for Exeter which Ritchie regained. Exeter was given 25 yards on Brice's foul, and she had the ball on the freshman's twenty five yard line. Howland rushed finely and Ritchie was pushed across the line getting a touchdown. Word kicked a difficult goal. Score, Harvard 10, Exeter 6. Kendricken made a good gain for '93 when the ball was put in play and Johnson punted well. Stothers returned the ball, and Parker made a good rush. Fairchild found a hole in the rush line, and a quick rush planted the ball behind Exeter's line. Time 20 minutes Johnson kicked a goal. Score, 16-6. After the ball was put in play Johnson made some good rushes and brought the ball to Exeter's fifteen yard line where he failed in his trial for goal from the field. Exeter got the ball and on a foul tackle by Samuels was given twenty-five yards. The game was now on Harvard's twenty five yard line when Stothers ran around Dibblee's end and made a gain of twenty yards. Ritchie forced his way through and scored a touchdown. Time twenty minutes. No goal. Score, Harvard 16, Exeter 10. Two thirty minute halves were played. Crane '90 was referee and Heffelfinger Exeter '91, was umpire. For Exeter the best playing was done by Gilliam, Newell, and Ritchie; for Harvard by Johnson, Ellsworth, Kendricken, and Fairchild. The teams were made up as follows:

Exeter-Rushers: James; Smith, (Colburn) Gilliam, Squires, Furman, Howland, Newell; quarter-back, Word, half-back, Ritchie, Gage, (Phelan); full-back, Stothers.

Harvard Ninety-three-Rushers: Hill, Ellsworth, Samuels, Brice, Slade, Dunn, Dibblee; quarterback, Kendrieken; half-backs, Parker, Fairchild; full-back, Johnson.
