
Fact and Rumor.

The final game for the class championship in football will be played tomorrow afternoon between the senior and sophomore elevens.

The annual fall freshman athletic meeting will be held on Holmes field this afternoon. There are thirteen events with an aggregate of about fifty-five entries.

The next College Conference meeting will be held November 12. R. H. Dana, jr, will give an account of the practical work for reform in politics now being done by young men. After that beginning with November 19, the meetings will be held regularly on alternate Tuesdays.

At present it is very improbable that the annual Andover-Exeter foot ball game will be placed this fall. The game had been arranged for the ninth of November, but the Andover faculty has refused to allow the team to go to Exeter, as usual, to play the game. As a result of this decision it is said that the Exeter eleven has gone out of training.

The following are the results of the other foot ball games played on Saturday: Yale defeated Columbia, at the Berkeley Oval in New York by a score of 62 to nothing; Princeton beat the University of Pennsylvana at Philadelphia in the first championship game by an overwhelming score of 72 to 4. Technology beat Amherst in a championship game at Amherst by the close score of 10 to 9. The game was protested by Amherst. The Phillips Andover academy team defeated the Yale freshmen 14 to nothing. Cornell and Lehigh were scheduled to play a game at Bethlehem, but when she reached the field, Cornell refused to play the game because she was not allowed the choice of referee.

