

FOUND.- In Sever 11, a sum of money. Apply at 24 Beck hall, mornings before 9 o'clock.

HASTY PUDDING CLUB. There will be a smoke talk at the club on Friday evening, October 25 at 8.

GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- Important business meeting at 7 o'clock Friday night in 8 Holworthy.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight. Full orchestra at 7.30. New music. Every man should be present.

All candidates for the freshman eleven will please be on the Divinity field at 3 o'clock.


S. W. ELLSWORTH.There will be a meeting of the Southern club in the club rooms, 15 Brattle street, on Friday evening at 8 o'clock.

F. F. CAUSEY, Secretary.LOST.- In the path beside the Gymnasium, a small bunch of keys. Finder will be rewarded by leaving the same with the janitor at the Gymnasium.

HARVARD MONTHLY.- Subscribers who have failed to receive the October number will confer a favor by notifying me.

PHILIP S. ABBOT, 26 Stoughton hall.H. U. B. B. C.- The annual meeting of the Harvard University Base Ball association will be held in Holden Chapel Friday evening, October 25, at 7.30 o'clock.

P. B. LINN.SOPHOMORE CLASS MEETING.- There will be a me ting of the sophomore class on Monday evening, October 28, Upper Mass chusetts to take action on the death of Mr. Argyll Fraser.

M. D. FOLLANSBEE, Sec.The following men will be in the Gymnasium dressed at 3.30 sharp to play Ninety: Blaney, Weld, Nichols. Corning, Loewenstein, Bangs, Higgins, Grimes, Mason, Huntress, Guerin, Wainwright, Hanis, Reed, Stead, Embic.

J. F. BASS.FRESHMAN CREW.- The following men will be at the bost house to row at 3.15; Brown, Batchelder, Converse, Churchill, Campbell, Farwell, G. B. Pierce, Winslow' French. The follow at 4.15 Brewer, Hathaway, Hawes, Jagger, Keyey, Tansill, Thomas, Baldwin.

