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The action taken by the Athletic committee in regard to the men who were responsible for the disgraceful conduct of the freshman nine at New London last May, will be approved by all. The captain and one other man have been forbidden to take part in any future college athletic contest. The penalty is severe, but in our opinion the offence deserved no lighter punishment. The action of the committee is important even at this late day, for it voices the disapproval expressed so manimously by the college last spring. It will, furthermore, effectually prewent any repetition of the matter.

It is very unfortunate that there ahould be any occasion for the infliction of such a punishment. It is rather a trite saying but it cannot be too strongly urged that the spirit which should govern all college sports is that of fair play and good faith. A high standard must be maintained and any resort to other than perfectly open means must be deplored as showing a decadence in the manly rivalry which is the life of college athletics.
