
Foot-Ball Notice.

The following men will be on Jarvis at four o'clock sharp. dressed: Crosby, Hutchinson, Hill, Curtis '92, Wrenn, Dibblee, Goldthwaite, House, Upton, Rogers, Goodwin, Cummings, Stickney, Tilton, Morse, Vail, Newell, Allwood, Cranston, Campbell, Johnson, L. S., Blanchard, Fitzbugh.

The following men will be on Jarvis dressed, at 3.30 sharp: Dean, Hallowoll Lee, Moen, W. Curtis, '90, Greenough, Dodge, Fearing, V. M. Harding, L. S. Dennison.

Trafford, Saxe, and Johnson will be on Jarvis at 3 sharp.

The tournament in kicking for the Graduate Cup will take place next Friday, October 25, on Jarvis at 2 o'clock. A. F. Holden, '88, will have charge. All entries should be made at once. The following men are eligible as candidates to contest: Crosby. Huchinson. Curtis '92, Gohlthwaite, Upton, Stickney, Til on, Nowell, Cranston, Campbell, Johnson, L. S., Fitz ugh. Blanchard. Dean. Hallowell, Lee Moen, Dennison, Greenough, Fearing, Saxe, Harding, Trafford, Johnson, Cumnock.
