HASTY PUDDING CLUB. There will be a smoke talk at the club on Friday evening. October 25 at 8.
LOST.- A pair of spiked running shoes. Last seen under locker 391 in the gymnasium.
S. M. WIRTS.FOUND.- A sum of money in Sever 11 Tuesday morning. Apply at 24 Beck Hall before 9 a. m. or between 7 and 7.30 p, m.
There will be an important meeting or the Harvard Sparring Association this evening at 7.15 at 10 Grays, to consider the abolition of the monthly assessment.
H. A. A.- Priest '91, and H. A. Davis '91 will be the hares and Alexander, L. S., the master of the hounds in the first hare and hounds meet of the H. A. A., to take place Thursday, Oct. 24. The start will be from the Gymnasium at 4.15.
J. H. HUNT.LOST.- In Sever 5, a silk umbrella with silver handle, having owner's name engraved on it. Finder will vlease return to David Hoadtey, 739 Cambridge St.
The following men be at the Gymnasium at 2 sharp to be examined: Parker, Dunn, Post, Brice, Davis, Chew, Kendriken, Fanchild, Manning, Mullins, Slade, Robb, Cullamore, Bisbee, Bell, Hand.
The Rev. Roland Cotton Smith of Trinity Church Boston, will conduct a short Episcopal service in 17 Grays, Wednesday evening, October 23, at 7 o'clock to which all members of the University are cordially invited.
The Glee club will give three prizes, twenty-five, fifteen and ten dollars for the three best compositions, either glees or college songs. No prizes will be awarded unless the pieces are accepted and sung. Compositions must be sent to the secretary, J. B. Embick, before November 15.
FRESHMAN CREW.- The following men will be at the boat house at 3.15: Purrington, Walcott, Williams, Webster, Barlow, Berry, Brewer, Brown, Curtis, Cavanagh, Churchill, Cary, Currier, Falk, Alick, Griswold, Guerin, Hale, Pike, Jagger, C. H. Pierce. The following at 4.15: Abbott, Adams, M. H. Bar lett, Blake, Dexter, Howard, Kemiricken, Ransoin, Shead, R. Stone, Converse, Harwood.
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