Ira Perego and Co., of New York, are now showing at store 424 Harvard St., Hilton's block, a new and elegant line of men's wear mackintoshes, full dress and fancy vests, full dress suits, overcoats, silk jerseys, sweaters, bath robes, in fact, all kinds of athletic and sporting costum stand an entirely new foot ball suit. 23-2t
PACH BROS., Photographers, for Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, West Point, etc., etc. All athletic teams, class societies and clubs, H. P. C., D. K. E., and Pi Eta theatricals, and all views connected with Harvard.
We are the pioneers of low prices in framing pictures. All Harvard men are cordially invited to examine specimens.
H. WM. TUPPER, Man'g'r and Photographer.10-tf
WANTED.- Two copies of Lyall's Principals of Geology-English edition. at 24 Beck hall, between 7 and 7.30 evenings.
FOR SALE.- An "Odell" Type-writer. Apply at Thurston's.
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