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Complaint upon complaint is heard on every side at the prolonged delay in opening Hastings hall. Yesterday we were promised that it should be done and today the promise is retracted. And so it goes on from day to day. The present trouble we are told is due to a lawsuit and while this is pending scores of students are spending their money and inconveniencing themselves-waiting apparently endressly. It is not our purpose to take sides on the question of the law suit. In the first place we have no knowledge of the point in question beyond the bare fact that the university complains that the architect has not finished the building at the specified time, and the architect that the university delayed in awarding the contracts for the construction of the various stories. Wherever the truth of the question may lie, the fact remains the same that it is an injustice to the students to delay the opening of the building so long. There are doubtless some who are spending money which they cannot afford in temporary imigings, and certainly all are hampered both in the enjoyment of their privileges and in their college work. In such a state of affairs surely the college seems bound to take action. Even if all the rooms cannot now be opened we see no valid reason why students should not occupy the rooms which are already finished.
