
Fact and Rumor.

Andover will play Harvard in Cambridge on Wednesday.

The fall ahtletic games at Yale will be Held Saturday, October 26.

H. H. Darling, E. S., has been elected editor on the Harvard Law Review.

There was an hour examination in Phil sophy III yesterday.

The Rev. Francis G. Peabody will give a reception to to the freshman class on Wednesday evening.


The freshman team will play Exeter Academy at Exeter on Saturday, and Andover Academy at Andover one week later.

A talk on the choice of titles for themes in English B will be given in Sever 11 at 2 o'clock. A note on the subject of Theme H., A Description will be due this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The class championship game between '90 and '91 has been postponed until Friday by mutual consent. The '92-93 game will be played Thursday as scheduled.

The 'varsity eleven played a practice game with the senior class eleven yesterday afternoon. Two halves of twenty and ten minutes were played, the varsity making two touchdowns in the first half.

E. A. Poe, jr.' of Baltimore, has been elected captain of the Princeton eleven. His position is quarter-back. He has never played in a championship game, and has not been on the eleven before this year. He was one of the best players on the lacrosse team, how ever.

The following have been elected officer of the Law School reading room association for the ensuing year: President, C. E. Shattuck; secretary, W. G. Thompson; directors-3d year. J. J. Higgins and H. B. Chapman; 21 year, L. McK. Garrison and M. E. Kelley; 1st year. C. M. Thayer and J. G. King.

On account of the rain the finals in the doubles of the tennis tournament were postponed, and will be played off tomorrow or Thursday. Matches for the second prize in singles will be played as follows: 1, Stetson vs Wrenn; 2, the winner of 1 vs A. M. Chase; 3, Lee vs Potter. Finals, winner of 2 vs winner of 3.
