

All candidates for the freshman eleven will be on the Divinity field at 3 o'clock sharp.

S. W. ELLSWORTH.PHILOSOPHY II-Section 3, Dennison to Gordon, will meet Mrs. Lincoln at 88 Chardon street, Boston, this afternoon at 2.30.

The following men will be on Divinity at 3.45 to play Roxbury Latin: McDonald, Putnam, Rantoul, Steedman, Draper, Pinkham, Cheney, Neff, White, Henry, Thomas, McKelleget, Weed, Low.

W. C. FORBES.The Zoological club will meet at the Museum, on Tuesday evening, October 22, (not Monday evening as previously advertised). Doors open from 7.15 to 7.30. Paper by Mr. G. H. Parker: Compound Eye of Lobster.

The following men will be at the boat house to row at 3.15 sharp: Batchelder, Bergengren, Campbell, Farwell, Falk, Flink, Hathaway, O. B. Hawes, Johnson, Jagger. The following at 4.15: Keyes, G. B. Pierce, Pope, Ransom, P. D. Stone, Tansill, Tripp, Winslow, Webster, Barlow.


D. O. EARLE.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Hare and hounds run, Tuesday, October 22. Start from gymnasium at 4 o'clock. All riders of the university are invited to join in the hunt, but only members of the club are eligible to receive cups. The secretary will be at 14 Holworthy Tuesday morning from 8.30 to 11. Men who have not yet paid their initiation fee and signed the constitution may do so at that time.

C. W. SPENCER, Secretary.
