Herman T. Coolidge of the class of '87, died Monday evening at the residence of his father at Natick, Mass. The funeral will take place at the same place today at 2.30. Classmates and friends are invited to attend. The train leaves the Boston and Albany depot at 1.30, connecting at Newton with the car which leaves Harvard square at 1 o'clock.
The deceased prepared for college at the Natick and Newton High schools. His course was marked by hard study and thorough scholarship. Few men in his class made better use of their opportunities than he. Nevertheless, he found time to pay much attention to athletics, playing on his class nine for four years, and being one year a substitute on the 'varsity nine.
After graduation he entered the office of the Springfield Republican. Here he was stricken with consumption. A year spent at El Paso, Texas, proved of no avail and he returned home to die.
Mr. Coolidge's manly, christian character and general good-fellowship endeared him to his classmates and friends, by whom his early death will be sincerely mourned.
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