FOUND-On Jarvis, a season football ticket. Owner can get it Leavitt and Pierce's.
FOUND.- On Thusday in Sever 11, a copy of Hill's Rhetoric. The owner can have it by applying at 24 Grays.
All candidates for the freshman foot ball eleven will please be on the field back of Divinity at 2 o'clock sharp instead of 3.
L. W. ELLSWORTH.H. A. A.- The first hare and hounds run of the the H. A. A. will take place Thursday, October 24. Start from the gymnasium at 4.25. Cups given to the winners.
J, H. HUNT, Sec.The following men will be at Leavitt and Pierce's at 1.15 sharp, ready to go to Andover: Hill, Dodge, Dibblee, All wood, Fitzhugh, Morse, Campbell, Vail, Hallowell, Crane, Moen, Johnson, '93, Dennison, Cummings.
The following men will be on the field at 2 sharp: Weld, Blaney, Nichols, Huntress, Higgins, Bangs, House Corning, Lowenstein, Guerin, Warner, Embick, Reed, Woodworth, Black, Stead, Keate, Washburn.
JOHN F. BASS.ENGLISH C AND ENGLISH D.- Students may obtain the Forensic Pamphlet today at 24 Grays hall, from 9 o'clock to 10, and from 2 to 3. The brief for the first forensic will be due on November 2 instead of October 31.
The Glee club will give three prizes, twenty-five, fifteen and ten dollars for the three best compositions, either glees or college songs. No prizes will be awarded unless the pieces are accepted and sung. Compositions must be sent to the secretary, J. B. Embick, before November 15.
The following men will be at the gymnasium, dressed, at 2.45 sharp, to play Williams: Crosby, Blanchard Goldthwaite, Tilton, Cranston, Upton, Harding, Dean, Curtis, '92, Johnson, L. S. Newell, Fearing, Greenough, Lee, Curtis, '90, Trafford, Saxe.
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Rev. Andrew Oliver '42.