CORNELL SCORED AGAINST YALE.In a game between Yale and Cornell, played at New Haven, Wednesday, Cornell succeeded in scoring against Yale. In the first half, Yale played a strong game and made seven touchdowns, scoring 34 points, and in the first part of the second half they made four touchdowns, with a score of 22 points. In the latter part of the half, however, Yale played poorly and Cornell by good rush line play, and hard work by the backs secured a touchdown from which a goal was kicked. Final score 56 to 6. The Cornell men were almost wild when their eleven scored.
WILLIAMS BEATS UNION.On Wednesday the Williams eleven defeated a team from Union College by a score of 130 to 0. Had the Williams team been as strong as it usually is the score would probably have been much larger; as it was Williams played her men in new positions, also played several substitutes. The following men made the touchdowns, Lovell 6, Vermilye 6. Street 5, Nelson 2 Person 2, Rowland 2, making a total of 23 from which eighteen goals were kicked by Vermilye.
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