
Special Notices.

PACH BROS., Photographers, for Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, West Point, etc., etc. All athletic teams, class societies and clubs, H. P. C., D. K. E., and Pi Eta theatricals, and all views connected with Harvard.

We are the pioneers of low prices in framing pictures. All Harvard men are cordially invited to examine specimens.

H. WM. TUPPER, Man'g'r and Photographer.10-tf

TO LET.- Two very desirable suites of rooms at 408 Harvard street.

A club of six or more gent emen can be accomodated with board at T. H. Brewer's, Brattle Square. 20-2t


TUTORING.- For classics and college preparatory studies by a Harvard graduate. Best of reference to Harvard professors and others.

A. L. HODGES, 351 Harvard St.19-3t

MISS ANNIE HAYDEN WEBSTER, 10 Dana street, Cambridge, Mass., Teacher of Vocal Technics, voice culture and elocution. Pupil of Mme. Edna Hall. Voices tested free of charge. Special terms to classes. 18 6t
