Glee Club Rehearsal at 4.30 in Roberts Hall.
J. B. EMBICK, Sec.HARVARD CANOE CLUB.- Election of officers Friday 7.30 p. m. at 12 H'y.
Will the gentleman who took a silk umbrella from University 5 on last Friday please return it.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal this evening. Full orchestra at 7.30. Every member should be present.
SIGNET.- There will be a meeting of the Signet this evening.
F. S. DUNCAN, Secretary.There will be a meeting of the freshman class. Friday afternoon, October 18, at 5 o'clock.
B. W. TRAFFORD.LOST.- On Jarvis Field, Wednesday, October 16, a diamond pin. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Leavitt and Pierces.
Let every '92 man who has played this year be on the Divinity field at 3 sharp, particularly, Thomas, Loring, Ingalls, Hale, Day and Childs.
W. C. FORBES. Capt.HARVARD CAMERA CLUB.- New members and others can pantheir dues at No. 6 Story St. between 5.30 and 6 p. m. and day except Saturday or Sunday.
R. W. WOOD, Sec. and Treas.All men wishing to join the Harvard Shooting club will please apply to G. N Lamb, 26 Holyoke House, any day this week between 2 and 2.30 or between 5 and 6 p. m.
The following men will be at Norton's field at 3.30 sharp: Weld. Blaney, Nichols, Higgins, Burnett, Huntress, Corning, Lowenstein, Guerin, Reed, Black, Embick.
J. F. BASS.FRESHMAN CREW.- There will be an important meeting of the candidates for the freshman crew in the trophy room of the gymnasium at 7.30 tonight. All those not present will please send their names, weight and the hours after which they are free in the afternoon to 42 Matthews. The following men will be at the boat house at 3.15: R. Stone, Cochrane, Baldwin, Hale, Frink, Farwell, Griswold, Batchelder, Fairchild, Johnson. The following at 4,15: Jagger, Tayloc, O. Adams, P. T. Brown, Bardun, Johnson, H. G. Nichols, Harwood, Abbott, E. H. Pierce, Goodrich, Sidway, Berry, G. P. Pierce, Burtell, C. G. Hawes, Churchill.
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