
Fact and Rumor.

Gate and Knapp '91 have entered the Medical School.

Peckham '91 is studying law in Albany.

The Souttern Club have engaged rooms in Roberts Hall.

The Exeter eleven has improved greatly during the past week.

The second unannounced examination in History I was given yesterday.


The second eleven will play Andover Academy at Andover tomorrow.

S. W. Ellsworth has been appointed temporary captain of the freshman eleven,

The senior and freshman teams will play a practice game of foot ball this afternoon on Divinity.

The freshmen will hold their second meeting this afternoon for the election of the remaining class officers.

The officers of the '91 Signet are, H. A. Davis, president; J. Wendell, Jr, secretary; H. McCullock, treasurer.

The class championship foot ball games will begin Tuesday afternoon when the senior and junior teams will play.

The finals in singles for the tennis championship of the college will be played this afternoon on Jarvis Field at 2.30.
