The faculty have adopted stricter regulations in regard to degrees with distinction at graduation. No student of the class of '90, however, who would have obtained such a degree under the old rules will be deprived of his degree. The new system will first be put into effect with the class of '91.
THE REGULATIONS.A student recommended for the degree of Bachelor of Arts may be recommended either for an ordinary degree or for a degree with distinction in one of three grades.
Any member of the graduating class who has attained Grade C or a hisher grade in eighteen courses or their equivalent will be recommended for a degree with distinction on the following conditions:
If he has attained Grade A in fifteen courses or their equivalent, or has received Highest Honors in any department, he will be recommended for a degree summa cum laude;
If he has attained Grade A in nine courses or their equivalent, or Grade A or B in fifteen courses or their equivalent, or has received Honors in any department, he will be recommended for a degree magna cum laude;
If he has attained Grade A or B in nine courses or their equivalent, or has received Honorable Mention twice; he will be recommended for a degree cum laude.
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