

FOR SALE.- An Odell type writer. Apply at Thurston's.

FOUND.- A key in front of Matthews. Apply at Leavitt and Pierces.

Y. M. C. A.- Meeting at 6.45 in Lawrence Hall. All students invited.

WANTED.- Two copies of Lyall's Principles of Geology. Call at 24 Beck Hall, evenings between 8 and 8.30.

There will be a meeting of the freshman class Friday afternoon, October 18, at 5 o'clock.


B. W. TRAFFORD.ENGLISH 12.- The numbers are to be used on fortnightly themes only. Endorse daily themes with name.

HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Smoker, Thursday, at 8 p. m. in 14 Holworthy. A full attendance is desired for election of new members.

E, F. ROGERS.All men wishing to join the Harvard Shooting club will please apply to G. N Lamb, 26 Holyoke House, any day this week between 2 and 2.30 or between 5 and 6 p. m.

There will be an important meeting of the Harvard Intercollegiate club, October 23 in Sever 11 at 7 p. m. Old members of the club and all members of the Graduate department are invited to attend.

Per order of the EXEC. COM.SENIOR ELEVEN.- All candidates for for the senior eleven must be on the field back of Divinity at 4 o'clock. Every man that can play foot ball should come out as we must have two elevens from now till the class games.

T. W. SLOCUM, Capt.FRESHMAN CREW.- The following men will report at the boat house to row at 3.15: Borg, Johnson, Falk, Curtis, G. B. Pierce, Cary, Goodrich, Barlow, Walcott, Blake, Sturgis, Bisbee, Fairchild, Cavanagh, Gans, Hochstader. All other men will be at the gymnasium door ready to run at 4.20 sharp.
