ENGLISH 16-Hereafter every member of the course should take to the lecture room Ward's English Poets, Vol. I.
ENGLISH 12- On Wednesday, October 16, between eleven o'clock and one, Theme I. will be returned to Sections III. and IV. Theme II will be handed in promptly at 11 o'clock on Friday, October 18.
HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Smoker, Thursday, at 8 p. m. in 14 Holworthy. A full attendance is desired for election of new members.
E, F. ROGERS.LOST.- A gold headed umbrella with L. Treinain marked on the handle. Left in the hall on first floor of Seves. Please leave at Leavitt and Pierce's.
LOST.- Near Harvard square, on Friday afternoon, October 11, a brown silk umbrella with wooden handle. It will be gratefully received at 18 Gr ys Hall.
Lampoon subscribers who are to room in Hastings and who have not sent in their present address will please send them today to Thurston.
LOST.- On the Common, Oct. 8th An ivory handled pen knife marked G. J. Abbot. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at No. 57 Brattle street.
All men wishing to join the Harvard Shooting club will please apply to G. N Lamb, 26 Holyoke House, any day this week between 2 and 2. 30 or between 5 and 6 p. m.
The following men will be on the Divinity field at 3 sharp to play Cambridge Latin: Pinkham, Rantoul, Stedman, Putnam, Draper, McDonald, McKelleget, Neff, White, Henry, Thomas, Weed, Cheney and Low.
W. C. FORBES, Capt.
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Political Clubs Co-operate.