Holden, '88, coached the eleven yesterday.
There are one hundred and sixty-five men on the waiting list at Memorial. It is probable that all will be in by Christmas.
A college conference meeting will be held sometime during the early part of next week. President Elliot will be the speaker.
The first number of the Advocate will be out on Thursday. H. M. Landon has been appointed business manager form the sophomore class.
Hamilton- has resigned the captaincy of the Tech. eleven, and Germer has been elected to the position. He was one of the best halt backs the Andover eleven ever had.
Table 25 at Memorial held a hare and hounds run yesterday afternoon of about five miles around the Chestnut hill reservoir. The hares were Ward and Rowley, '92.
Miss Annie H. Webster, (whose card appears in another column) now at No. 10 Dana street, Cambridge, is experienced in practical elocution and voice culture, and is recommended by Madam Edna Hall of Boston and Professor Churchill of Andover. Miss Wehster has been especially successful in helping those who have been troubled with impediments of speech, throat defects, and the numerous hindrances to easy and distinct rendering in both elocution and vocal music, due to incorrect breathing and to ill use of the vocal organs. She will be pleased to meet any who may be desirous of studying either privately or in classes.
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