
Dartmouth Failed to Score.

Harvard beat Dartmouth on Saturday by a score of 38 to 0. The game was played on Jarvis, beginning at 3 p. m. The teams were made up as follows:

Harvard-Rushers: Cumnock, Upton, Blanchard, Cranston (centre), Campbell, Goldthwaite, Hutchinson; quarterback, Dean; half-backs, Lee and Fearing; full-back, Trafford.

Dartmouth-Rushers: Smith, Segur, Little, Fascet (centre), Abbott, Folsom, Morton; quarter-back, Lakeman; half-backs, Humphreys and Weeks; full-back, Odlin.

The game began with the ball in Harvard's possession but Dartmouth quickly got it owing to a poor pass by Dean, Harvard again recovered it and Dean passed to Lee who made a rush of nearly sixty yards, scoring a touchdown in less than five minutes. Trafford kicked a goal. Score, 6-0. Dartmouth then made fifteen yards by a couple of rushes but lost the ball to Harvard. Fearing then made a good rush of twenty yards followed by ten yards by Blanchard. The ball was soon passed to Trafford who kicked to Weeks, but Cumnock tackled him where he caught the ball. Dartmouth failed to gain five yards in three downs and the ball went to Harvard. Fearing rushed well bringing the ball to the five-yard line when Lee got another touchdown. No goal. Score 10-0. Lakeman then advanced the ball by several good rushes, but Harvard soon got the ball on four downs. The ball soon went to Dartmouth again but Cumnock secured it in a scrimmage and made a twenty-yard rush. Trafford then kicked a goal from the field. Score 15-0. Dartmouth here rallied and rushed the ball well up the field, but soon lost to Harvard who gained about fifteen yards by rushes and kicks. Dartmouth got the ball but lost it on four downs. Fearing then made a good rush of fifteen yards. Trafford kicks to Weeks, who is thrown by Hutchinson. Harvard getting the ball on four downs gains a few yards by a rush by Lee, but loses ten yards by Trafford's muffing the ball which he afterward secured. Then rushes and kicks by the backs advanced the ball near Daromouth's goal line and Fearing soon scored a touchdown. No goal. Score, 19-0. Dartmouth advanced the ball about twenty yards, aided by a good rush of Humphreys.' Dean broke through the rush line and securing the ball rushed from the centre of the field and scored a touchdown. No goal. Score, 23-0. Dartmouth failed to gain in two downs and Hutchinson secured the ball on a poor pass by the quarter-back. Rushes by Lee and Blanchard gained fifteen yards for Harvard, when Trafford kicked a goal from the field. Score 28-0. Dartmouth by good rushes forced the ball to the centre of the when time was called.

The second half began with Dartmcuth's ball which Harvard secured on an attempt to kick by the full back. Rushes by Lee, Fearing, Hutchinson and Blanchard brought the ball to the twenty-five yard line when Trafford tried for goal but failed. Stickney was here substituted for Blanchard. Harvard got the ball on three downs and Lee soon scored a touch down. No goal. Score 32-0. Good rushes by Humphrey and Lakeman gained thirty-five yards for Dartmouth, but Harvard got the ball on three downs. Lee rushed well but lost ball to Dartmouth who regained ten yards but lost the ball by a poor pass. Fearing rushed about thirty yards bringing the ball to the ten yard line. Harvard failed to gain ground and Dartmouth took the ball. Both Weeks and Humphreys then did some good rushing and the ball was forced well into Harvard's territory. Harvard secured the ball and Lee gained ten yards, then Trafford kicked to Humphreys whom Hutchinson and Cumnock tackled. The ball soon went to Harvard and Lee scored a touchdown. Goal. Score, 38-0. Dartmouth soon lost the ball without having gained any ground, and rushes by Fearing, Stickney and Lee gave Harvard forty yards. A poor pass gave Dartmouth the ball which was soon forced to the centre of the field, where it remained until time was called.

