FOUND.- A leather pocket book which can obtained the secretary's office.
ANDOVER CLUB-The first meeting will be held Tuesday evening at 7.30 in Holworthy 16. Freshman members are especially invited.
J. L. DODGE, Secretary.Lost An Ideaf " fountain pen, between- the library and the gymnasium. Return to H. B. Learrned, M, 46.
LOST.- A "Baul Wirt" fountain pen. Will finder please return to 66 Thayer or leave at table 18, Memorial.
The following men will be on the Divinity field at 1.45 sharp: Pinkham, Rantoul, Steadman, Draper, Putnam, McDonald, Holton, Cheney, Neff, White, Henry, Low, Day, Weed, Thomas.
W. C. FORBES, Capt.CRICKET CLUB.- Every candidate must be in front of Bartlett's at 1.45 sharp today. A practice game will be played on the grounds of the Cambridge Cricket club, and it is specially important for everybody to be programmed.
R. D. BRON.SUNIOR CLASS MEETING. A of men entitled to vote at the senior class election will be posted on the bulletin board of University. Any man entitled vote whose nams is not the list could consult the committee on Monday or Tuesday, October 14th and 5th, from 1.30 to 2.30 p. m. in 27 Thayer.
The following men have been elected to the Freshman Banjo club: H. W. Dow, W. H, Mayuard, L. E. OsUorn. J. C. Hoppin H, V. Paterson, H. B. Smith. I. H. E Sars has been elected temporary leader. The first naming will be held on Tuesday at 7 p m, at 4 Thayer.
HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- The secretary will be at 14 Holworthy, Monday, October 14, from 1 to p. m. to give out sningtes and receive unpaid dues. The names of all candidates for the club handed in at that time will be voted on at the next meeting.
C. W. SPENCER, Secretary.TENNIS TOURNAMENT.- The regular all tournament will begins next Tuesday, October 15. The book for entries is now at Bartlett's. Entrance fees. $1 for singles, $1.50 per pair for doubles, must he paid upon signing. Entries wichose at 8 p m. Monday evening.
HARVHARD CAMERA CLUB.- Meeting next Monday in Lawrence Scientific school at 7.30. p. m. Every member is urged to be present as important business will be transacted. '93 men and others wishing to join the club, may have their names placed before the committee by sending their to me.
R. D. WOOD, Secretary. 34 Hastings hall, Now 6 Story St.
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Civil Service Reform Club.