We publish in our columns this morning a communication from William Cranston Lawton which deserves careful perusal. Up to this time, as will be seen America has contributed little or nothing to the furtherance of archaeological research in Greece, and has in fact in this respect no enviable record. Now, however, preparations are making for the excavation of Delphi and its surroundings under the direction of American scholars and these excavations, if successful, will go far toward proving America's claim to scholarly recognition. No more fruitful field certainly could have been chosen for the initial work than the site of ancient Delphi so replete with the historic associations of all Greece, and the results there attained cannot fail to be a great addition to classical learning. It is a just matter of pride to us as Harvard men, also, that the project now started is largely in the hands of Harvard graduates. The work, therefore, for us must have a double interest, and we ought now as students and later as graduates, to further its success by our personal endeavors as much as in us lies.
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