The following men will be at the gymnasium, it; eased, at 2.45, sharp:
Hutchinson, Goldthwaite, Newell Johnson, L. S., Upton Campbell, Stickno, Cranston, Blachard, Dean, Trafford, Saxe, Fearing, Lee, Bowman, Greeneugh, Curtis '92, Wrenn.
A. J. CUMNOCK.SECOND ELEVRN.- Adwood, Hill, Davenport, Dibblee, Rodgers, Goodwin, Cummings, Vail, Fitzhugh, Dodge, Moen, Dennison, Hallowell, Shea, Tilton, Jonnson '93. Meet in gymnasium at 2 o' clock sharp, dressed to plays '92.
W. L. GRANE, Captain.
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Civil Service Reform Club.