

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a practice meeting of the Harvard Shooting club this afternoon at Watertown, Take 1.30 car.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal this evening at 7. 30 in Roberts hall, Strings will please be prompt.

BICYCLE CLUB.- A run of the Bicycle club will be held this afternoon at 3. Meet before University promptly.

T. BARRON, Captain.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 4.30 o 'clock. Every one must be present.

JOHN B. EMBICK, Sec. Will the following men be ready to play '91 tomorrow: MacDonald, Putdan, Draper, Rantoul, Steadman, Pinkham, White, Henry, Cheeny, Neff, and Holton. All others be out at 3.30.


W. C. FORBES, Captain.CRICKET CLUB.- There will be no practice today. All men, both old players and new candidates will meet at 1.45 at Bartlett's, ready to go to the Cambridge club grounds for a practice game.

R. D. BROWN.The Harvard Union will hold a debate this evening in Sever 11 at 7.30 on the question, Resolved: That Commissioner Tanner should have been retained in office. All students are invited to take part in the debate.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.SENIOR CLASS MEETING.- A list of men entitled to vote at the senior class election will be posted on the bulletin board of University. Any man entitled to vote whose name is not on the lest, should consult the committee on Monday or Tuesday, October 14th and 15th, from 1.30 to 2.30 p. m. in 27 Thayer.

The following men will be at the boat house ready to row at 3.15 sharp: Keyes, Stone, Batchelder, Wood, Doe, Winslow, Ransom, Tansill, Hathaway, Pope, Walcott, Bartlett, Hawes, Brewer, French, Campbell, Williams, Clark. All other candidates for freshman crew will be at gymnasium ready to row at 4.20 sharp.

D. O. EARLE, Temporary Capt.
