
Fall Scratch Races.

The fall scratch races will be rowed next Tuesday afternoon in front of the boat house at 4.15 p. m., sharp. There will be two races, the first open to members of the three upper classes and the Law school; the second open to freshmen. In each race there will be two preliminary heats of three crews each and a final heat between the winners in the preliminary heats.

The crews of upper class and Law school men will be under the management of the captains of the senior, junior and sophomore crews, and the freshmen will be under the management of the men now rowing on the university crew. No previous experience in rowing is necessary to enter either race. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged to provide cups for the winners. Crews will be chosen by lot. The freshmen will row one day before the race for practice.

Blue books for entries are now ready at Rartlett's when entrance fees must be paid.
