
FootBall Notice.

The following men will be at the gymnasium office, dressed, at 3.15 sharp. Mr. Lathrop will take charge of them: Morse, Tilton, Fitzhugh, Blanchard, Wrenn, Cummings, Goldthwaite, Cranston, Kelton, Stickney, Goodwin. Upton, Gorham, Dibblee, Crosby, Rodgers, Davenport, Curtis, '92, Kennedy. The following men will be on Jarvis, dressed, at 3.15 sharp: Trafford '93, Johnson, Dodge, Lee, Saxe, Bowman, Fearing, Greenough, Moen, Shea, Curtis '90, Miller, Dean, Halolwell, W. Crane, Burgess, Vail, Newell.

Class teams will play on the new athletic fields back of Divinity. Freshmen will report at 3, sharp, to Carpenter '88 and Hunt '92, who will coach them. '92 men will report at 3, sharp, to Forbes, captain. '91 men will report at 4, sharp, to Bass, captain. '90 men will report at 4, sharp, to Slocum, captain. It will be necessary that every man be ready, dressed, promptly at the time when he is wanted.

A. J. CUMNOCK, Captain.
