
Special Notices.

We understand that Mr. F. L. Dunne, the prominent Boston tailor is now building up a large business through the principal cities of the west. Mr. Dunne has had uniform success with his patrons here at Harvard and has established a reputation which places his firm in the front rank of the merchant tailors who supply the demand for exclusive and novel goods. 1t

A CLUB of six or eight gentlemen can be accommodated with board and pleasant dining room at 5 Linden st.


HISTORY I, II, XII, XIII, Political Economy IV, Philosophy XI. Tutoring. Address

E. C. MASON, Harvard Law School.76 6t


FOR RENT.- Two adjoining rooms, a study and a bed room, opposite the college library. Enquire at 408 Harvard street. 73 1w

JAMES W. BRINE, 10 and 11 Harvard Row, 436 Harvard Street, has the best line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, at the most reasonable prices, in Cambridge, and warrants all goods Best Quality. Genuine English Mackintoshes, American Mackintoshes, Umbrellas, Hamilton's London Trouser Stretcher and all kinds of Athletic Goods. Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired at short notice.

NOTE.- I am direct importer and manufacturer, and can compete with the trade.

