
The Class Crews Commence Work.

According to the precedent which has been followed for the past few years, the various class crews commenced work in the gymnasium yesterday. Up to this time the crews have not been doing regular work, but now that the Christmas recess is past, all of them will settle down to the winter training. The number of candidates which have presented themselves for the junior and senior crews speaks well for the work which those classes intend to do. The sophomores need all the new material which it is possible for them to obtain. The men who commenced with the freshman crew are still hard at work, but great dissatisfaction is felt with the eleven. As yet only a small number of them have presented themselves as candidates for the crew. The crews go through the regular system of gymnasium training which it has been customary to use in past years. The following is a list of the candidates for the four class crews:

EIGHTY-NINE.Parker (captain), Hight,

Dustan, Monroe,

Barthelow, Harding, V.


Howe, G. Hathaway,

Ellis, Knapp,

Marvin, Phelps, Brooks.

NINETY.Crehore (captain), Tyson,

Fessenden, Norman,

Pulsifer, Chamberlin,

Hubbard, Hill,

J. Crane, Darling,

Dadmun, R. F. Parker,

Vaughan, Bigelow,

Gorham, Wells, Woods.

NINETY-ONE.Bishop (captain), Randol,

Shaw, Nelson,

Rogers, Everett,

Embick, Garceau,

Woodworth, Wainwright,

Denny, Tyson.

NINETY-TWO.Kidder (captain), Berry,

Porter, Dewey,

Walcott. White,

Cheney, D. F. Jones,

Chase, Steedman,

W. N. Smith, Rantoul,

Watriss, Lowell,

Coolidge, Weed,

Latham, Viles.
