

HARVARD Y. M. C. A.- Meeting this evening at 6.30 in Lawrence Hall.

N. H. 4A.- Compasses and clinometers will be needed at all exercises this week.

PICTURES of the freshman football team are now on sale at Pach's studio. Price $1.50.

THERE will be a meeting of the Fencing Club at the rooms, 7 Brattle street, tonight at 7.30.

LOST, a black crape bag containing gold spectacles, gloves, etc. Finder will oblige by leaving at 18 Stoughton.


HARVARD CANOE CLUB.- There will be a "smoker" Wednesday, Jan. 9, at 102 Mt. Auburn street.

B. P. CHENEY, JR., Purser.CANDIDATES for coxswain of the University eight will meet the captain at the gymnasium at 3 p. m. Monday, Jan. 14th.

J. R. FINLAY, Captain.HARVARD GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight and regularly hereafter on Tuesday and Friday nights at 7 sharp. All members are requested to be on hand promptly.

PACH BROS. have been appointed class photographers for '89. Seniors will please make appointments for sittings at the studio at their earliest convenience, as it is very desirable to have the work done as soon as possible.

PHOTO COMMITTEE.THE following men will meet at the gymnasium at 3 o'clock, carrying their rowing clothes, ready to take the car for South Boston: Herrick, Hutchinson, Tilton, Longworth, Perkins, Cumnock, Sanford, Winthrop, Parker, Van Rensalaer, Goddard, Higgins, Staunton, Tyson, Waughop.

J. R. FINLAY, Captain.
