
Mr. Lawton's Lecture.

The first of the series of two lectures that Mr. Lawton, at the request of the Classical Club, has consented to give before the students of Harvard University, will be given tonight in Sever 11, at 7.30 p. m. Those who heard Mr. Lawton's lectures last year at the Hawthorne Rooms will appreciate the opportunity, while those who have not heard him will do well to listen to a charming lecture on the Medea of Euripides. Mr. Lawton is a graduate of Harvard and for some years has been engaged in translating the Greek drama, a series of articles on which have appeared in the Atlantic Monthly. At the lectures, half the seats will be reserved for holders of tickets, which can be obtained of Mr. F. W. Nicolson, Hollis 21. All men who can will do well to attend these lectures, as the subject is one of interest to most, and is sure to be ably treated.
