
Fact and Rumor.

W. E. Beer, '91, has been elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON board.

J. G. King, '89, and C. B. Hurst, '91, have resigned from the CRIMSON board.

Professor James has given each member of Phil. 2 a sheep's brain for dissection.

W. J. Farquhar, '91, has been elected secretary of the CRIMSON board, in place of H. A. Davis, '91, resigned.

H. B. Taylor, formerly of '89, is now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, taking advanced courses in chemistry.


Mr. R. M. Fullerton, '90, of the CRIMSON board, is now confined at his home in Waltham by a serious attack of bronchitis.

It is said that the students at Yale will hereafter celebrate all their athletic victories by banquets at Delmonico's.

J. M. Newell, '89, who has been absent from college about a month on account of illness, intends to start for the south next week, where he will spend a month recuperating.

The battalion of the '92 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, held its annual winter drill and dance last Saturday afternoon.

The annual convention of the intercollegiate baseball association will be held at the Parker House, Boston, on the third Saturday of this month.

C. B. Hurst, '91, formerly editor of the CRIMSON, has left college on account of throat trouble. He will pursue a course of study at Leipsig.

At the next meeting of the Conference Francaise tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, Mr. C. H. C. Wright will read a paper on "La Vie de College en France."

All the sections in Political Economy 1 will meet on and after Friday, Jan. 11 in Massachusetts 3, at 9 o'clock. Professor Taussig will deliver the lectures.

The M. I. T. Athletic Association have decided to exclude from their open games all who are not members of the H. A. A. or the Boston Athletic Club.

The entire edition of 1000 copies or "Technique," the annual publication of the students of the Mass. Institute of Technology, was sold within two hours.

It has been decided by the managers of the Cornell and University of Pennsylvania crews to hold an annual eight-oared race over a three-mile course on the Thames.

Dr. George E. Reed of New Haven, Conn., for many years a prominent divine of the Methodist Episcopal church, has been chosen president of Dickinson College.

There will be a lecture in Literary Criticism in English B this afternoon. Theme VI, a narrative, will be due today, and Theme VII, a literary criticism, on January 22. Theme IV will be returned this afternoon.
