
The Senior Class Dinner.

Tonight occurs one of the few reunions to which all students look forward to with so much pleasure. No urging ought to be necessary to secure a full attendance at the senior class dinner. And yet not half the class has as yet signified its intention of being present. There are, doubtless, many men whose intention it is to be present, but who have neglected to sign the blue book at Leavitt's. Although each man will be welcomed at the Parker House tonight, nevertheless it would make the duties of the committee much easier if they could get an approximate idea of the number to be present. All who have not signed are earnestly requested to do so in the course of the day. The officers for this evening are:-

President-P. D. Trafford.

Toastmaster-Benjamin Weaver.

Orator-H. H. Darling.

Poet-C. Hunneman.


Chorister-M. A. Taylor.
