

SENIOR CLASS DINNER.- The committee urge all who are to attend the dinner this evening to sign the books at Leavitt's or Bartlett's before 12 today. Only seventy-five men have signed. It is hoped that 125 men at least will sign before noon. The dinner is at Parker's at 7 o'clock. Price $2.25 per plate. No dress suits. Every one must purchase a ticket of the committee who will be in a room especially appointed before the dinner. Please bring exact change.

P. CODMAN,G. T. KEYES,F. E. PARKER Com.CANDIDATES for the sophomore crew will meet in the gymnasium on Monday at 4 p. m.

LOST.- A note-book containing experiments in Chemistry I. Finder will please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's.

ALL candidates for the junior crew must be at the gymnasium ready to row Monday, Jan. 7th, at 4 o'clock.

C. L. CREHORE, Captain.CHESS CLUB.- There will be an important meeting of the Chess and Whist Club this evening at 7.30. A full attendance is desired, as the new constitution will be voted upon.


ALL candidates for the freshman crew, including members of the football team, who intend to try for the crew will meet at the gymnasium at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon.

PACH BROS. have been appointed class photographers for '89. Seniors will please make appointments for sittings at the studio at their earliest convenience, as it is very desirable to have the work done as soon as possible.

PHOTO COMMITTEE.[Additional Notices on Third Page.]
