
Fact and Rumor.

Harding, '89, has returned to college.

Members of Engineering 4 recently examined the new Harvard bridge.

Mr. Sawin has returned to his room, No. 7 Stoughton, which was burned by the recent fire.

There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board today at 1.30 p. m.

Rev. William Lawrence will address the St. Paul's Society on Wednesday evening.


The annual dinner of the class of '88, Boston Latin School, will be held this evening at Young's Hotel.

Only a part of the seats will be reserved at Mr. Lawton's lectures, Tuesday evenings, Jan. 8 and 15th.

C. H. Taylor, '89, has gone South to recruit his health after a severe attack of typhoid fever. He will return to college after the mid-years.

M. A. Kilvert, '89, has left college and entered a business house in Chicago. By his action the Lacrosse Association has lost one of its most promising player.

Holyoke 3 and 6 are announced to let. Holyoke 41 and Divinity 7 have not yet been taken.

As this is the annual week of prayer, observed by many churches, there will be a half-hour meeting of the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association every evening at 6.30.

On Saturday, sixteen of the candidates for the university crew took their first pull from the Shawmut boat house. The water was slightly rough, but, on the whole, satisfactory. The first crew was made up as follows: Bow, Pulsifer, '90; 2, Cumnock, '91; 3, Perkins, '91; 4, Sears, '89; 5, Finlay, '91; 6, Tilton, '90; 7, Hutchinson, '90; stroke, Herrick, '90. Coached by J. J. Storrow, '85. The crew rowed about three-quarters of an hour and did fairly good work. Upon their return a second crew, composed mainly of new men, went out.
