
A Commission to Raise the Standard of Entrance Examinations.

Fourteen New England colleges-Amherst, Boston University, Bowdoin, Brown, Colby, Dartmouth, Harvard, Smith, Trinity, Tufts, Wellesley, Wesleyan, Williams and Yale-have now joined the Commission on Admission Examinations, formed three years ago. This body consists of one member from the faculty of each college represented, and its excellent work is apparent in the advanced standard required in the recent catalogues of New England colleges in the requirements in English literature, which are now uniform in them all. The commission is now considering the subject of modern languages, and a higher proficiency in those branches also will probably be required. This method of elevating and rendering uniform the standard of college admissions is likely to be introduced in all the States of the Union. It would not only remove the embarrassment which many of our smaller colleges feel in receiving students inadequately prepared, and almost necessarily relaxing the course to meet this deficiency of training, but it would increase the efficiency and value of the fitting schools.
