In another column is a notice of two lectures to be given by Mr. Lawton from the Medea of the Euripides. From his past work and success, it is certain that the lectures will be not only instructive but interesting, so that all who can, should avail themselves of this opportunity to hear Mr. Lawton. When either the University or some club provides us with a chance to hear a man distinguished in any branch of learning, it is only fair and right that the students should show an appreciation of the favor by their presence in numbers large enough to fill the hall, and then there would be no need to throw open the doors to outsiders in order to get an audience. As the seats are reserved and tickets can be had for the asking, no one can stay away in the excuse that it is necessary to go early to get a seat, or that they do not feel like paying to hear a lecture on a subject in which they are not particularly interested.
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