
Two Views of Yale.

The following interesting facts which a comparison of a Yale catalogue of 1834-35 and the one issued this year elicits, have been taken from an article in the Hartford Courant:

"The old catalogue is the property of Professor John Brocklesby of Trinity college, who was then a senior in Yale. On the cover is written: "The Rev. President Wheaton, with the respects of J. Day." And before making comparisons a few words may be said as to who was in Yale at that time. Charles J. Russ, of Hartford, was in the law school, and at the academic department from Hartford were Henry Smith and Thomas A. Thacher, seniors; Henry w. Bacon, P. W. Elsworth, William D. Ely, Austin Isham and Albert Todd, jumors; Charles Buck, Aaron L. Chapin, Thomas M. Day, Thomas Dutton, John Cotton Mather, John P. Putnam, Luther Scarborough, John W. Seymour and Edmund Terry, sophomores; and Charles F. Smith, freshman. Other 'boys' who were then in college were Chief Justice Waite, Senator Evarts, Professors Lyman and Silliman, the Hon. Henry C. Deming, John Hooker, Esq., etc.

"In the faculty then there were but two names that now appear-Noah Porter, tutor in Greek, and Elias Loomis, tutor in mathematics. The faculty then numbered 28; now it is 130. The old catalogue has 31 pages; that of today has 230 pages. The total number of students in 1834-35 was 450; in 1888 it is 1,350. The catalogue of 1834-35 says:

"The annual charges in the treasurer's bills are:

For instruction. $33 00


For rent of chamber in college. 9 00

For ordinary repairs, etc. 2 40

For general damage, sweeping, etc., about. 3 30

For wood for recitation rooms, about. 1 30

Total. $49 00

"And it is stated that:

"Notes of the several incorporated banks in this State and such other notes as are taken by the banks of the city of New Haven, are received in payment of bills.

"The present catalogue gives the annual charge for tuition at $125, with incidentals $30 more, while rooms range from 50 cents to $6 a week, (unheated)-the later price making about five times as much for room rent as the whole of the expense bill of fifty years ago.

"But if one turns to the schedule of requirements and instructions (letting alone athletics besides) he sees that the more money covers a deal more than the earlier outlay paid for."
