

CREW NOTICE.- All men be at gymnasium ready to run at 3.45 sharp.

R. F. HERRICK.FRESHMAN CLASS.- A meeting of the freshman class will be held in Lower Massachusetts on Thursday at 2 p. m.

M. D. FOLLANSBEE, Sec.JUNIOR DINNER.- The junior dinner will take place at the Parker House on the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 19. Book for signatures at Leavitt's. Men should sign as soon as possible.

COMMITTEE.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- A number of tickets for the exhibition at the Boston Art Club have been sent out for the use of members of the Glee Club. Members can get them by calling at 20 Matthews.

G. C. BULLARD.ALL candidates for the University nine will please meet in 9 H'y at 7.30 p. m. Thursday, Feb. 1. It is very necessary that all who intend to try for the nine should be present at the appointed time.


