Everett Smith, '70, is a promising lawyer of Schenectady, N. Y.
Henry L. Clapp, '79, is master of the George Putnam School, Boston.
J. F. Dwight, '70, is sub-master of the Lincoln School, Boston.
W. R. Crawford, recently of the Harvard Law School, is now practicing law in Chicago.
Dr. Herbert Stanton Jordan, '81, a promising physician of Waltham, died two weeks ago at the age of 31.
Rev. Henry F. Harrington, '34, died recently in Keene, N. H. He had long been superintendent of schools in New Bedford, and formerly preached in Cambridge.
Dr. George E. Titcomb, '82, is located at Concord and has a rapidly increasing practice. He is the physician and surgeon for the State Reformatory, and with an average of nearly 800 inmates there have been but two deaths in the institution the last year.
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