
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a vesper service at 5.30 this afternoon in Appleton Chapel.

There will be a recitation in German 9 to-day.

The Catalogue has been completed during the recess and is now on sale.

Rev. William Lawrence will conduct prayers this morning, and until Jan. 13.

Crehore, '90, secretary of the University Boat Club, is ill with water on the knee.


The Boston Symphony Orchestra will give their second concert in Sanders Theatre this evening at 7.45 o'clock.

Forty-one Holyoke House and No. 7 Divinity are to let. Particulars can be obtained at the bursar's office.

S. Dexter, '90, manager of the University Crew, who was injured while playing foot-ball in the autumn, has recovered and returned to college.

C. Cornish, assistant at the Hemenway Gymnasium, will give instruction in light gymnastics at the new gymnasium of the Boston Athletic Club.

Mr. J. J. Hayes has recovered from the trouble with his eyes, and will soon resume his voluntary classes in elocution.

The Troy Polytechnic states that one of the sections at the Paris exposition next summer will be devoted to college journalism.

A Calendar will be issued to-day containing the announcements for the remainder of this week as well as next week.

It is reported that the manager of the New York nine has written to Campbell of last year's Harvard team, offering him the position of shortshop, left vacant by Ward.

The Union grounds, on which the Tech eleven have been accustomed to play, has been converted into building lots. This may make it impossible for the Tech to support a foot-ball team in the future.

By the will of the late Sylvester Bowman of Newton, Tufts College will get $50,000 for general use, and another sum, which may reach $50,000, to be devoted to the library.

The Kneisel Quartet will give four subscription concerts in Sever 11 on Thursday evenings, Jan. 24, Feb. 21, Mar. 21, and April 18. Tickets for the course may now be obtained at Sever's bookstore.

A half course in Old Norse, classical Icelandic prose, will be given during the second half-year by Mr. Babbitt. The time provisionally selected is Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9. Students who intend to take the course are requested to confer with the instructor, who will be at 5 Grays from 4.30 to 5.30 p. m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.

The CRIMSON has received a bound copy of Ayer's Almanac for 1889. Besides the various editions in English adapted to North and South America, it contains editions in French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian-Danish, Dutch, Bohemian, and Welsh; also specimen pages of the pamphlets issued by the firm in eleven other languages, including Italian, Finnish, Turkish, Armenian, Bulgarian, Polish, Hawaiian, Gujarati (India), Burmese, and Chinese.
