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From time to time there have appeared in the CRIMSON communications urging the formation of an Exeter club. Either from utter indifference or from backwardness to take the initiative, the proposition has been passed over in silence. This policy, if persevered in, will result in a gradual decrease in number of men coming from that school to Harvard. The number of students at Exeter is increasing annually, and while the number of those students choosing other colleges after graduation is in proportion to the increased number, the number who come here is at a stand. Still great stress has been laid to success in athletics drawing men to Yale and Princeton, but the social clubs which the graduates of Exeter had the good sense to form at those colleges exerted a great influence on men who had not quite decided before graduation what college to choose. Steps ought to be taken at once to form similar clubs here, not only with regard to Exeter, but to the other preparatory schools as well which send annually a large delegation to Harvard.
