NEW HAVEN, Jan. 22.
The candidates for the Intercollegiate team began training last week under the direction of C. H. Sherrill, '89. For the sake of convenience the men have been divided into squads with reference to the event for which they are training, and the following men have been appointed to superintend them. Shearman, '89, jumpers and hurdlers; Robinson, '90, short-distance men; Harmar, '90, long-distance men; Hanson, '90, tug-of-war men, and Weare, '90 S., the bicyclists. The hurdlers will have special work assigned them after Easter.
A team of twenty-five men was sent by the Athletic Association to compete in the games of the American Athletic Union at New York, and Shearman, '89, succeeded in winning first place in the running high jump, and Lloyd, '91, third place in the mile.
The essays in competition for the gold medals by the Yale Lit. were called in January 15, but the result of the competition has not yet been made public. There is considerable interest shown by the college in this matter on account of the high distinction that success always brings, and then the medal has frequently failed of award because of the high standard of excellence demanded.
To return to athletics for a word, very little can be said in regard to either the nine or the crew, for they are both in a very unsettled state at present. The captains will naturally be on the teams, but aside from that little has been decided as yet. As for the candidates, they are numerous and the material moderately good. The resignation of Captain Finlay from the Harvard crew was quite a surprise to every one here.
The junior appointment list was made public on Friday evening, and showed that the class of '90 had beaten the record made by '84, for the present junior class had 104 men on the list. Of these, 60 are eligible to write for the junior exhibition prize-an opportunity that few will neglect.
The gaieties of no other week, except perhaps Commencement week, can be compared to those of the present. Last night the Glee and Banjo clubs gave their twenty-third annual concert in the Hyperion Theatre before an audience that more than filled the house. Members of the freshman class were quite as conspicuous as usual by their demonstrations. To-night occurs the long-talked-of promenade. No pains nor expense have been spared to make it a complete success in every way. But you are in no mood even to hear of promenades till after your dreaded "mid-years."
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