The congregation of the Baptist Church which was injured by fire last Sunday will use Appleton Chapel for their morning services while the church is being repaired.
Students who apply for admission to the University of Mississippi must first swear that they have no firearms about them, and that no person or persons have any in keeping for them.
The river is entirely free from ice.
The New York base-ball club has arranged two games each in April with Harvard, Yale and Princeton, and it is their intention to offer a trophy to the college club making the best showing against them in the series.
A recent article on college girls tells of four young ladies of limited income who lived on $3.70 a week, all told, while they were pursuing their studies. Two were students at the Harvard Annex, and two at the Boston University.
Out of the sixty-two men in the senior class at Exeter, all but six will enter some college at the end of the current year. Twenty-six will come to Harvard, fourteen will go to Yale, four will go to Technology, two to Princeton, and the rest to the smaller colleges.
Thomas B. Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, not the seeker for a cabinet place, has promised to Princeton College a fund for the establishment of a prize in the English department to be known as the "Thomas B. Wanamaker English Language Prize."
Rev. William N. McVickar, D. D., who preaches in the chapel to-morrow evening, is rector of the church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia. He is the successor of Dr. Phillips Brooks in the rectorship of that church. Dr. McVickar is described as being a man of commanding presence and of wonderful intellect.
On the question of compulsory church and chapel attendance at Amherst, the college students have voted as follows: In favor of church and chapel compulsory, 152; church and chapel non-compulsory, 112; compulsory chapel and non-compulsory church, 48. The "awful example" of Harvard was used with effect.
The first number of the Princeton College Bulletin is out. It is the official journal of the college, and is edited by President Patton. Several of the leading professors of the college are contributors. It is a magazine of about fifty pages and contains, besides information about the college, scientific and philosophical papers from the professors. It will be issued quarterly.
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