
Vesper Service.

Appleton Chapel was moderately well-filled yesterday afternoon by those attending the vesper service. After the first hymn, Dr. McKenzie offered prayer, after which he led in the responsive reading of the 91st Psalm. Dr. Francis G. Peabody preached a short sermon, basing his remarks upon the 19th and 20th verses of the twenty-first chapter of John, Jesus' seeming rebuke to Peter for his hesitation. Peter's hesitation and apparent wish to yield to another the responsibility of the call "Follow Me" probably arose from a sense of his own intellectual and morality incapacity. Thus it is with us. When we are called to the performance of some sacred duty, we first turn to the examination of self, and find that we have few of the qualities for a successful leader. Therefore we turn away and say that another must start the work and then we shall give our help. If we would only surrender self to God, we should find that He would give us the grace and strength to perform successfully any duty to which He might call us.

The choir sang Dudley's Buck's "He shall come down like Rain" and Wood-ward's "The Radiant Morn."
