Notwithstanding the fact that we are in the midst of the mid-year examinations, Boylston Hall was filled last night by a large audience, composed mostly of freshmen. Prof. Cooke was, as usual, most enthusiastically received. After a few words about the idealism which is connected with Venice and the dreamy sentiments which the city inspires, he began by explaining its situation. Venice is situated in a lagoon, like Pamlico sound on the Atlantic coast, which is separated from the sea by a series of sand spits, broken only by occasional ship channels. One of these spits, called the Lido, is the great watering place and pleasure resort of the city.
A large number of views were then shown and explained, comprising pictures of the Grand Canal, the Doge's Palace, the Piazza and Cathedral disan Marco, the Bridge of Sighs, the Arsenal, and also the principal private palaces. The history of the most noted objects of interest was given briefly, and a few words were said about the career of conquest which was the glory of the city. The views were remarkably well selected, and were calculated to give an excellent idea of Venice as it now appears.
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