We publish today an announcement of the winter meeting of the Roxbury Latin School Athletic Association, to be held on the twenty-second of February. As may be seen from it, there are to be contests in all the usual events-jumping, putting the shot, sparring, etc.- some of which will be open to competitors outside of the school. The meetings that this association has had in the last few years have been very creditable, and the records made have been very good, if the age of the contestants is taken into consideration. The meeting this year promises to be quite as successful as the former ones. The value to Harvard of such training of track and field athletes in the preparatory schools in this neighborhood is obvious, and Harvard men should do all they can to encourage it. The alumni of the school ought to feel an especial interest in the men, many of whom will be in Harvard during the next few years, and will doubtless take part in her contests with other colleges. The Roxbury Latin School has set an example in instituting indoor meetings that we should like to see followed by other schools about Boston.
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